Northern Trail District

Adult Recognition

The district normally holds a recognition banquet in late January or early February to recognize leaders. Nominations must be received before the published deadlines to ensure that the selections can be made in time for the event.

Self-nominations will not be accepted.

There are several awards in Scouting which recognize adults who make contributions to scouting.

Assistance:  See district leadership page for name and email address for the current Awards and Recognition Chairperson.

Y.E.S. Your Extraordinary Service Award

This award recognizes individuals in units who have preformed extraordinary service to their units. Every Unit receives 2 nominations, units that have 50-99 youth members are entitled to an additional nomination, and Units with 100 or more youth members are allowed a total of 4 nominations.

The YES Award should be presented to someone within your own unit who has given their time to help provide a quality program for the youth within your Scouting unit. There is no tenure requirement for this award, but your unit committee MUST approve and submit it. More information and nomination form.

The District Award of Merit

This award is a council award presented by districts or Venturing divisions in the same manner that the Silver Beaver is a national award presented by councils. More information and nomination form.

Robert E. Little Award

The Northern Trail District committee presents the Robert E. Little Service Award to a scouter who has rendered outstanding service to the scouting movement at the unit and/or district level. It is given primarily for dedicated service, personal effort, and unselfish interest contributed beyond the immediate responsibilities of the position or positions held over a period of years. More information and nomination form.

The Silver Beaver Award

Silver Beaver Nominations deadlines vary, contact the awards and recognition chairperson for more information.  Nomination form  This form may be downloaded filled out and emailed to the chairperson.  We have many scouters in Northern Trail that could be nominated and you could easily be that person who gets their nomination started. Think about the scouters you have seen at events in the last year and could you nominate one of them. If you have questions about how to get the needed information ask other scouters who might know. Also you can contact the chairperson for  assistance:  See district leadership page  for name and email address for the current Awards and Recognition Chairperson.

Past Award Recipients

List of past recipients of Silver Beaver, District Award of Merit and Robert E. Little Awards may be found hereExcel Version  (Updated 9/17/2023)